Quotes > Charles Bukowski Stupidity Quotes

Charles Bukowski Stupidity Quotes

Explore the best Charles Bukowski Stupidity Quotes. Here is our best collection of Charles Bukowski Stupidity Quotes collected from a various of sources.

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Charles Bukowski Stupidity Quotes

The problem with the world is that the Intelligent people are full of Doubts, while the Stupid ones are full of Confidence.

- Charles Bukowski

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and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?

- Charles Bukowski

The problem with the world is that the Intelligent people are full of Doubts, while the Stupid ones are full of Confidence.

- Charles Bukowski

If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, don’t ask a stupid question

- Anonymous

I don't have a problem with anger. I have a problem with idiots.

- Anonymous

Sorry honey, Sarcasm falls out of my mouth, Just like stupid falls out of yours.

- Anonymous

Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.

- Albert Einstein

I Swear we are fighting two pandemics, 'Coronavirus and Stupidity'.

- Anonymous

Common sense is something that everyone needs, few have, and none think they lack.

- Benjamin Franklin

Are you always so stupid or is today a special ocassion?

- Anonymous

SARCASM the witty will have fun, but the STUPID won't get it!

- Anonymous

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

- William Shakespeare