Quotes > Phil McGraw Everything Quotes

Phil McGraw Everything Quotes

Explore the best Phil McGraw Everything Quotes. Here is our best collection of Phil McGraw Everything Quotes collected from a various of sources.

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Phil McGraw Everything Quotes

I love life, but not everything in it. I love people, but not all of them. I love myself, but not everything about me.

- Phil McGraw

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You can't change what you don't acknowledge

- Phil McGraw

If we were all just alike, one of us wouldn't be necessary.

- Phil McGraw

I love life, but not everything in it. I love people, but not all of them. I love myself, but not everything about me.

- Phil McGraw

The difference between you and the person you envy, is that you settle for less.

- Phil McGraw

No matter how flat you make a pancake, It's still got two sides

- Phil McGraw

Awareness without action is worthless.

- Phil McGraw

You can't change other people or (some) conditions; you can change only your reactions to them

- Phil McGraw

Learn when's a good time to shut up

- Phil McGraw

You have to name it to claim it

- Phil McGraw

Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

- Phil McGraw

Take anything and everything seriously, except yourselves.

- Rudyard Kipling

Everything happens for a reason. Don't question it, trust it.

- Anonymous

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

- Marcus Aurelius

Everything you can imagine is real.

- Pablo Picasso

The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back.

- Ram dass

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once

- Ray Cummings

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once

- Albert Einstein

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom

- Albert Einstein

It wasn't your fault. It was mine, for believing every word you said

- Anonymous

Everything will fall into place, you just gotta be patient and trust the process.

- Anonymous