Free QR Code Generator With Logo
Create free custom QR Codes with logo, Enter or type text in the below text box, click Generate QR Code to generate QR Code
About QR Code Generator

What is QR Code
QR code abbreviated from Quick Response code. It is a machine-readable code typically made up of black and white squares. These black and white squares represent certain pieces of information. QR code can be read using a smartphone camera.
What is difference between barcode and QR code?
- QR code is 2-Dimensional code, holds information in both horizontal and vertical directions. While a barcode only holds information in the horizontal direction.
- QR code can hold more data compared to bar code. It can hold approx ~4k alphanumerical and ~7k numerical characters.
What is the use of QR Code
QR code is useful in many ways like:
- Provides easy access to information through the phone.
- In Business Card: Embed phone number, website URL and other brand detail in business cards.
- Through Website: Embed social media profiles, phone number and other brand detail in business cards.
- Email signup: Build your subscriber base by having quick links to an email signup box.